Our Testimony

Kiril Istatkov was born on March 20th, 1966 in Sofia, Bulgaria. He received Jesus Christ as Savior in 1989, 6 months before the Communist regime fell in Bulgaria. God baptized Him with the Holy Spirit and fire! At his first experience in Heaven, Jesus spoke to him about his ministry. He started using him with prophetic words, healings, and deliverance.

Angelina Istatkov was born on January 30th, 1975 in Pernik, Bulgaria. She received Jesus Christ as Savior in 1991 during the revival in Bulgaria and joined the Church of God in Sofia, Bulgaria. She was baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire while she prayed by herself at home and after that supernatural experience, she started evangelizing. When she heard about the prophetic words and miracles of healing and deliverance that were taking place at Kiril’s revival meetings in Elin Pelin (a city in Bulgaria), she traveled to visit. There were about 500 people traveling from all over the country and the Lord was using Kiril with signs and miracles. At that revival meeting, she heard for the first time the Lord speaking to her and He told her that Kiril would be her husband.

After they met in her home group, Angelina became Kiril’s secretary. A few months later, God sent them as missionaries to Skopje, North Macedonia (country next to Bulgaria). In 1994, they got married in Skopje and God gave them their daughter, Nadezhda (Hope) Ivanova in 1998. They have been missionaries in Macedonia for 19 years. In 2003, God spoke to them that when the time comes for Him to send them to the US, it will time for a great revival in America. In September 2013, they came to America: Charleston, South Carolina. They are bringing the fire of revival in different churches and different denominations here in Charleston and other places in the US. Now they have registered their own ministry: Kiril Istatkov Ministries. It’s a full-time apostolic, prophetic, deliverance, healing, and traveling ministry.

God showed Kiril a vision while they were flying to the US. He saw the glory of God as a big cloud over the plane and it was moving with them. When they stepped on American land, Kiril saw how the cloud of glory covered the US from coast to coast and the Lord said, “Many people spoke evil against this nation, that I will destroy America and that the wrath of God is coming over America.” And the Lord said, “No, that is a lie of the devil! I love America and I am bringing a great salvation to this nation. You will see millions of millions saved, thousands of thousands healed and delivered, and the Holy Spirit will move on the earth like never before. In these last days, you will see more people getting saved and going to Heaven compared to the ones who will go to hell.” God told them, “This move is the move of the love of God! Those who will flow in the love of God, show the love to the Lord their God and to their neighbor as it is written in Matthew 22:37-39, they will see the glory of God like never before and will be a part of His work in this last move! Those who will not accept this love, they will be left behind.”

They minister deliverance and healing to the oppressed as the Holy Spirit brings reconciliation between God and man. Their heart is to see a transformation in the hearts of the people in order for them to fulfill their purpose and destiny in the fullness. The story of their life and ministry is marked by “He spoke; He fulfilled it.” Amen.